Fine aprile e nuovo viaggio in Champagne, questa volta a Dizy
Di Elsa Leandri
Ci saremmo aspettati delle belle giornate primaverili in cui i campi di colza in fioritura vengono baciati dai raggi solari, in cui il cielo con il rincorrersi delle nuvole bianche viene attraversato dal volo delle rondini, in cui la natura si sgranchisce delicatamente dopo aver passato un inverno piovoso. Ma mai niente è come uno si immagina: infatti il cielo è spesso nuvoloso e non manca qualche pioggerella soprattutto, e per fortuna aggiungerei, di notte.
Elsa Leandri in Champagne 2024, quarta tappa a Dizy, campo di Colza, foto dell’autrice
In una di queste mattine uggiose, dopo una notte di temporali violenti e di grandine che non ha risparmiato la zona dello Chablis arrecando diversi danni, ci dirigiamo a Dizy, nella maison di champagne Alain Bernard. A fare gli onori dei padroni di casa c’è Raymond, il bulldog francese, che sorveglia ogni movimento della cantina.
Elsa Leandri in Champagne 2024, quarta tappa a Dizy, sala di degustazione, foto dell’autrice
Veniamo subito accolti calorosamente e ci installiamo nella sala da degustazione. E mentre Isabelle inizia a raccontarci la storia della famiglia di suo marito Benoît, bussa alla porta un vicino. Così come in Italia è buon uso offrire una tazza di caffè, qui è abitudine comune, e soprattutto dai vigneron, proporre un calice di champagne.
Elsa Leandri in Champagne 2024, quarta tappa a Dizy, Isabelle e Elsa foto dell’autrice
Tra un discorso e l’altro sul tempo e sulla primavera che tarda, Isabelle ci racconta la storia della famiglia Bernard. Seppur la proprietà sia attualmente a Dizy, in uno dei 4 villaggi Premier Cru della Vallée de la Marne, in realtà già nel XVII secolo la famiglia Bernard era proprietaria di viti e più precisamente a Hautvillers, laddove Dom Pérignon proprio in quel periodo si stava dedicando agli studi per ottimizzare e perfezionare la qualità delle uve e dei vini prodotti.
La fondazione dell’attuale cantina è stata effettuata nel 1912 iniziando la produzione del proprio champagne da Arthur Bernard, padre di Alain ( a cui dobbiamo il nome della stessa) e nonno di Benoît, che rappresenta la terza generazione. Attualmente gli ettari vitati di proprietà sono circa 9 e si trovano in alcuni dei prestigiosi villaggi della Vallée de la Marne: Ay, Dizy, Cumières e Hautvillers. L’elevata consapevolezza del terreno con le sue proprie specificità e i lavoro attuato in vigna e in cantina per valorizzare l’uva con un elevato rispetto per l’ambiente tale da non ricorrere all’uso di diserbanti o pesticidi sono i principi che li guidano nella realizzazione di cuvée molto interessanti.
Passiamo ora alla parte degustativa.
Tradition Premier Cru(60% Chardonnay, 35% Pinot Nero e 5% Meunier) 7g/L.
Spicca per i suoi sentori fruttati di pesca nettarina, mirabelle e di pompelmo candito. In chiusura effluvi di pepe bianco. Bella tensione fresco-sapida che regala un finale di bocca agrumato.
Elsa Leandri in Champagne 2024, quarta tappa a Dizy, foto dell’autrice, Tradition Premier Cru
Blanc de Blancs Premier Cru (100% Chardonnay) 6g/L.
Questo chardonnay deriva da un’unica vigna, Les Grains d’Argent, sita a Dizy che viene lavorata a cavallo. Un bouquet di fiori di gelsomino, mughetto e biancospino ci introduce in modo elegante al sorso caratterizzato da una marcata sapidità con un finale di scorza di limone.
Elsa Leandri in Champagne 2024, quarta tappa a Dizy, foto dell’autrice, Blanc de Blancs Premier Cru
Rosé de Saignée(100% Pinot Nero) 5g/L.
La macerazione avviene per 24 ore senza pressatura. Più che parlare di champagne qui possiamo parlare di un vero e proprio vino, indicato per accompagnare anche dei piatti di carne così come una entrecôte. Tale abbinamento non è stato citato a caso dal momento che Isabelle, che è anche una grande cuoca, ci ha raccontato un aneddoto riguardante la famiglia Bernard.
Il suo suocero Alain non era un grande estimatore dei rosé, ma quando gli fu servito per accompagnare una succulente entrecôte si dovette assolutamente ricredere ed esclamò: “ah, beh, oui!”. Dal colore peonia con echi di ciliegia, lampone, fragolina di bosco e con delicate note tostate di nocciola anticipa un sorso gourmand con una leggera tannicità ben accompagnata dalla freschezza. Finale di prugna confit.
Elsa Leandri in Champagne 2024, quarta tappa a Dizy, foto dell’autrice, Rosé de Saignée
Rosé Entre Parenthèses (90% Chardonnay e 10% di vino rosso a base Pinot Nero) dosaggio zero.
Il nome singolare indica che doveva essere una cuvée effimera, ma in realtà ha trovato dei consensi in quanto è una valida alternativa all’altro champagne rosato vertendo più sulla freschezza e sul finale di bocca delicatamente sapido. Freschezza che si evidenzia già all’aspetto olfattivo ricordando l’eucalipto e le erbette aromatiche che arricchiscono le note fruttate.
Elsa Leandri in Champagne 2024, quarta tappa a Dizy, foto dell’autrice, Rosé Entre Parenthèses
Millésime 2013 (50% Chardonnay, 50% Pinot Nero) 6 anni sui lieviti, maturazione in legno. 5g/L.
Tripudio di sentori: uva spina, pesca gialla, melone bianco, fico e melissa impreziositi da un tocco di burro e di lievito madre. Poi mandorla e nocciola tostate. Freschezza e sapidità dinamiche su un finale di cedro confit e pepe bianco.
Elsa Leandri in Champagne 2024, quarta tappa a Dizy, foto dell’autrice, Millésime 2013
Histoire de Fûts – Blanc de Blancs 2016 (100% Chardonnay) dosaggio zero.
Lo chardonnay proviene da un’unica vigna sita a Dizy, che è nota sotto il nome di Moque Bouteille.
Fiori bianchi, burro, noccioline, caffè tostato e piccola pasticceria guidano verso una bocca caratterizzata dalla verticalità data dalla freschezza. Le delicate bollicine accompagnano e rendono il sorso sublime.
Elsa Leandri in Champagne 2024, quarta tappa a Dizy, foto dell’autrice, Histoire de Fûts – Blanc de Blancs 2016
Se abbiamo avuto modo di conoscere questa cantina per un passaparola, ora siamo noi a sperare di avervi incuriosito nel testare più da vicino questi champagne dalle caratteristiche differenti tali da soddisfare alla fine qualsiasi palato esigente.
Elsa Leandri autrice articolo, è sommelier, blogger, esperta vitivinicola.
Wine Paris 2024: Vizi e Virtù della Prima Fiera Enologica dell’Anno in Europa
Di Marco Maria Marcialis
Parigi, la città delle luci e dell’eccellenza culinaria, ha ospitato la tre giorni intensa di Wine Paris 2024, un evento che ha affascinato e coinvolto gli amanti del vino provenienti da tutto il mondo. Questa fiera enologica, che si è svolta tra vizi e virtù, ha offerto un’esperienza straordinaria, rappresentando in modo eccellente non solo la Francia, ma anche altre regioni vinicole di prestigio.
Wine Paris 2024, un incrocio di assaggi, vendite e incontri, logo da internet
Le novità di quest’anno hanno incluso un padiglione dedicato all’Italia e un altro interamente dedicato agli Spirits, con una grande e accogliente lounge riservata alla stampa e ai VIP. Questo ha aggiunto un tocco di diversità e ricchezza all’evento, ampliando le opportunità di scoperta e degustazione per i partecipanti.
L’edizionedi quest’anno ha segnato un importante traguardo in un 2024 caratterizzato da un ottimismo ancora tiepido e prudente. Con altri eventi di rilievo come il Prowein a Düsseldorf e il Vinitalya Verona in programma per i mesi successivi, Wine Paris ha avuto il compito di aprire le danze in grande stile, e ciò è stato compiuto con successo.
Wine Paris 2024, un incrocio di assaggi, vendite e incontri, foto di Marco M. Marcialis
Esaminando da vicino le virtù di questa manifestazione, emergono diversi punti chiave:
Accessibilità: Parigi, come grande capitale, è facilmente raggiungibile sia per i primi arrivati che per coloro che preferiscono prendersi più tempo. Con aeroporti come Orly e Charles de Gaulle, insieme ad altri servizi di trasporto, l’accesso alla fiera è stato reso estremamente agevole.
Trasporti:Una volta giunti in città, i partecipanti hanno potuto godere di un’efficiente rete di trasporti pubblici che ha reso semplice spostarsi da un punto all’altro, anche durante le ore notturne grazie ai servizi di mobilità come Uber e Bolt.
Wine Paris 2024, un incrocio di assaggi, vendite e incontri, foto di Marco M. Marcialis
Hotel: L’ampia selezione di hotel parigini ha garantito una varietà di opzioni di alloggio adatte a tutti i budget, permettendo ai visitatori di trovare sistemazioni convenienti anche durante i periodi di alta stagione turistica.
Ristoranti e Bistrot: Grazie alla ricchezza dell’offerta gastronomica parigina, i partecipanti hanno avuto l’opportunità di prenotare ristoranti e bistrot di alto livello per le loro cene d’affari, arricchendo ulteriormente l’esperienza complessiva dell’evento.
Wine Paris 2024, un incrocio di assaggi, vendite e incontri, foto di Marco M. Marcialis
Mobilità e Servizi: All’interno della fiera, il personale ha gestito con efficienza i flussi di visitatori, garantendo un’esperienza senza intoppi. I punti ristoro e i servizi sono stati sempre all’altezza delle aspettative, assicurando il comfort dei partecipanti.
Allestimenti e Stand: Con quasi 4000 espositori, Wine Paris ha offerto una vasta gamma di allestimenti e stand esteticamente piacevoli e facilmente navigabili, facilitando la scoperta dei produttori e dei loro vini.
Qualità dei Vini e dei Partecipanti: In ogni padiglione hanno spiccato sia grandi aziende che piccoli produttori, contribuendo a un livello complessivo molto elevato e accattivante. La presenza di consorzi, commercianti e giornalisti internazionali ha arricchito ulteriormente l’evento, offrendo interessanti opportunità commerciali e di networking.
Wine Paris 2024, un incrocio di assaggi, vendite e incontri, azienda Ornella Bellia Venezia Wines, foto di Marco M. Marcialis
Tuttavia, nonostante le numerose virtù, alcuni vizi hanno fatto capolino durante l’analisi dell’evento:
Durata: Data la qualità e l’importanza dell’evento, molti partecipanti avrebbero gradito un giorno in più per esplorare in modo più approfondito tutte le opportunità offerte da Wine Paris.
Stand Gastronomici: Alcuni visitatori avrebbero apprezzato una presenza più consistente di stand gastronomici e food truck, offrendo così una maggiore varietà di esperienze culinarie in linea con l’eccezionale cucina francese.
Marco Maria Marcialis con la cantina Ornella Bellia Venezia Wines, articolo: Wine Paris 2024, un incrocio di assaggi, vendite e incontri
Wine Paris 2024 ha rappresentato un’occasione unica per immergersi nel mondo del vino e dell’enogastronomia, offrendo un’esperienza indimenticabile sia per gli appassionati del settore che per i professionisti. Con la promessa di ritornare l’anno prossimo, questa fiera ha lasciato un’impronta positiva nei cuori e nelle menti di tutti i suoi partecipanti.
Mon Cher Wine Paris 2024, à l’année prochaine!
Marco Fabio Maria Marcialis sommelier e wine-Trainer siciliano
VINO NOBILE DI MONTEPULCIANO PREVIEW 2024: A Journey through Taste and Tradition
By Carol Agostini
January 2024
The picturesque town of Montepulciano, a Tuscan gem nestled among the hills of Valdichiana, is gearing up to welcome wine and culture enthusiasts for the Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Preview 2024. An unmissable event taking place from February 10 to 12, offering intense and flavorful days dedicated to both industry professionals and lovers of fine wine.
Preview Vino Nobile di Montepulciano 2024: tour of the senses, logo from press release
Montepulciano, with its medieval charm, is surrounded by rolling hills covered with vineyards that produce the exceptional Vino Nobile. The region is steeped in history, with cobbled streets and Renaissance palaces rising amidst breathtaking panoramas. Carefully cultivated along sun-kissed slopes, the vineyards are the beating heart of this wine region, contributing to the creation of globally unique wines.
Preview Vino Nobile di Montepulciano 2024: tour of the senses, photo by site
Wine Production: Excellence in the Glass
Vino Nobile di Montepulciano holds a prestigious Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG) status, synonymous with oenological excellence. Primarily crafted from Sangiovese grapes, the wine is characterized by complexity, structure, and an unmistakable fruity character. The Preview is the perfect opportunity to savor new vintages and discover the evolution of this nectar over time. Local producers, true artisans of wine, will enthusiastically share their creations and the stories behind each label.
Historical and Cultural Connections: Artistic Treasures and Centuries-old Traditions
Montepulciano boasts an extraordinary historical and artistic heritage. Palaces, churches, and museums bear witness to centuries of culture and tradition. During the Preview, participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in this captivating context, combining the pleasure of wine with the discovery of cultural treasures. Guided tours to points of interest and meetings with local experts will enrich the experience, providing an in-depth look into the history of Montepulciano.
Culinary Tradition: Authentic Tastes of Tuscan Cuisine
Alongside Vino Nobile, the Preview also celebrates the rich Tuscan culinary tradition. Visitors will have the opportunity to delight their palates with local specialties expertly paired with the wines on offer. From the delights of pecorino cheeses to the robustness of extra virgin olive oils, each bite will be a journey into the authentic flavors of Tuscany.
Preview Vino Nobile di Montepulciano 2024: tour of the senses, photo by site
Event Program: Immersive Days of Tasting and Encounters
The Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Preview 2024 unfolds over three intense days:
Saturday, February 10: The event will open its doors from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM, providing industry professionals the opportunity to immerse themselves in new vintages and establish valuable contacts.
Sunday, February 11: Opening hours will be from 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM, extending the pleasure of wine tasting to wine lovers and enthusiasts eager to explore the world of Vino Nobile.
Monday, February 12: The event will conclude at 7:00 PM, with a final day dedicated to the tasting of exquisite Vino Nobile and the consolidation of oenological experiences.
The Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Preview 2024 promises to be an extraordinary event, where the blend of tradition, territory, and wine reaches excellence. A must-visit for those wishing to have a complete experience in the heart of the Tuscan hills, savoring the best of local wine production.
Carol Agostini fondatore del Magazine Papillae, titolare Agenzia FoodandWineAngels, commissario internazionale, selezionatore, Food&Wine Writer
The third edition of “L’Altra Toscana” is set to conclude the Preview Week in Florence on February 19th at Palazzo degli Affari.
Preview L’Altra Toscana 2024, Engligh Version of the event, logo from press release
Eighteen designations will present their new vintages, revealing a different aspect of Tuscan winemaking. The association “L’Altra Toscana” currently represents 40% of the regional bottled production.
L’Altra Toscana, the unified voice of Tuscan wine, continues its tradition of unveiling new vintages to journalists and industry professionals. On February 19th, the Palazzo degli Affari in Florence will host a wine tasting featuring PDO and PGI wines from Maremma Toscana, Montecucco, Montecucco Sangiovese, Orcia, Cortona, Valdarno di Sopra, Terre di Pisa, Chianti Rufina, Terre di Casole, Grance Senesi, Montescudaio, Suvereto, Val di Cornia, Rosso della Val di Cornia, Carmignano, Barco Reale di Carmignano, and Vin Santo di Carmignano e Toscana. The event is organized by the “L’Altra Toscana” association, bringing together fourteen consortia, covering 40% of Tuscany’s total production.
Preview L’Altra Toscana 2024, Engligh Version of the event, photo by press relase
The protagonists of the February 19th event will be these lesser-known territories, where vines have been cultivated for centuries. Alongside local historical producers, renowned names in Italian oenology will bring quality and identity to the glasses, intriguing enthusiasts and the market. In previous editions, over 300 labels were tasted, and this year will also offer thematic paths, with various focuses, to facilitate the tasting experience.
“With the strategy of unity, which has proven successful in past editions of this Preview, we want to highlight the countless diversities that characterize us,” explains Francesco Mazzei, head of the “L’Altra Toscana” Association and president of the Consorzio Tutela Vini della Maremma Toscana. “The goal is precisely to promote territories and wines distinguished by ever-higher quality peaks, enriching the wine offering of one of the most established wine regions, which still has much to reveal.”
Once again, the direction of “L’Altra Toscana” is entrusted to Scaramuzzi Team, based in Florence, with extensive experience in organizing events, particularly in the wine sector.
As usual, the “Anteprime di Toscana” Week will be inaugurated by PrimAnteprima, an event promoted by the Tuscany Region in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Florence, organized by PromoFirenze and Fondazione Sistema Toscana. PrimAnteprima 2024 is scheduled for February 14th in Florence.
Preview L’Altra Toscana 2024, Engligh Version of the event, photo by press relase
L’ALTRA TOSCANA – February 19, 2024
FIRENZE Palazzo degli Affari, Piazza Adua, 1
9:00 AM – 7:00 PM – Entrance by reservation only / from 9 AM to 2 PM reserved for journalists
Chianti Classico Preview: A Sensory Journey through Wine Tradition
By Carol Agostini
January 2024
The city of Florence, a Tuscan jewel rich in history and culture, has come alive in recent days thanks to the most anticipated wine event of the year: the Chianti Classico Preview. This celebration of the best wines from this renowned wine region is much more than a simple tasting. It is a sensory journey that encompasses food and wine production, territory, history, and traditions that make Chianti Classico one of Italy’s most beloved excellences.
Chianti Classico Collection 2024, an event not to be missed, photos By Carol Agostini
Chianti Classico: A Vinous Excellence
The designation Chianti Classico, nestled among the gentle hills of Tuscany, has long been synonymous with prestigious and high-quality wines. Chianti Classico is produced in the delimited area between the provinces of Florence and Siena, embracing territories rich in history and culture. The hills, vineyards, and cypress trees that characterize this region contribute to creating a unique and evocative landscape.
The Chianti Classico Preview is the perfect opportunity to delve into the nuances of these wines, appreciate their organoleptic characteristics, and discover the new vintages. Wine enthusiasts gather in this setting to exchange opinions, engage with producers, and, above all, delight their palates with prestigious labels.
Chianti Classico Collection 2024, an event not to be missed, photos By Carol Agostini
Food and Wine Production: The Perfect Pairing
Chianti Classico is not just about wine; it is a complete gastronomic journey. The event doesn’t fall short in offering a wide selection of local gastronomic products that perfectly complement the robustness of Chianti’s red wines. Pecorino cheeses, Tuscan cold cuts, extra virgin olive oil, and crostini are just a few of the delicacies to savor, creating an inseparable bond between food and wine production and the territory.
Territory: Tuscan Hills between Art and Nature
The Tuscan hills of Chianti Classico are a landscape of rare beauty, where art blends with nature. The medieval villages that dot this region tell millennia-old stories of tradition and culture. The landscape is dotted with orderly vineyards and centuries-old olive groves, creating a scene that has often been immortalized in the works of renowned artists.
The Chianti Classico Preview becomes a unique opportunity to explore the territory, visit vineyards and cellars, savoring the magic of a place that harbors historical and natural treasures.
Chianti Classico Collection 2024, an event not to be missed, photos By Carol Agostini
History and Traditions: Deep Roots in Chianti
Chianti Classico is deeply rooted in Tuscan history and traditions. The event becomes a meeting point between the past and the present, bringing together the winemaking art of ancient generations with the innovative techniques of contemporary oenology. Chianti Classico producers are custodians of secrets passed down through generations, creating wines that carry the charm of a millennia-old history.
Winemaking traditions, popular festivals, and celebrations linked to the grape harvest cycle become an integral part of the Chianti Classico Preview, offering visitors an authentic and engaging experience.
A Journey into the Heart of Chianti Classico
The Chianti Classico Preview is not just a wine event but an exciting journey into the heart of one of the world’s most celebrated wine regions. From tastings in the salons to visits to the vineyards, from breathtaking views to traditions rooted in the territory, every moment is an opportunity to discover and appreciate the unique value of this land.
Lastly, it is impossible not to mention the role of the producers, true artisans of Chianti Classico, who with passion and dedication continue to carry forward a millennia-old tradition. The Chianti Classico Preview thus becomes a celebration of everything that makes this region unique, offering an unforgettable experience for lovers of good wine, Tuscan cuisine, and the timeless beauty of the Chianti hills.
Chianti Classico Collection 2024, an event not to be missed, photos By Carol Agostini
Chianti Classico Collection 2024: A Weekend Immersed in Oenological Excellence
From February 15th to February 16th, 2024, the doors of the Chianti Classico Collection 2024 will open—an extraordinary event dedicated to presenting the new vintages of Gallo Nero wines, an unmissable showcase for wine enthusiasts and industry professionals. The occasion unfolds in two exclusive days reserved for the press and sector operators, followed by a third day open to the public. Over 200 producers, proud creators of the prestigious Gallo Nero label, will gather to share their passion for Chianti Classico and present the new Additional Geographical Units.
A Journey through Oenological and Gastronomic Excellences
The event offers a unique opportunity to taste over 700 labels, embracing the different types of Chianti Classico, including Annata, Riserva, and Gran Selezione. Enthusiasts can also appreciate the rich taste profile of Vin Santo del Chianti Classico and the exceptional quality of DOP Chianti Classico olive oil.
Chianti Classico Collection 2024, an event not to be missed, photos By Carol Agostini
Opening Hours and Access Modes
Press and Operators: On February 15th and 16th, from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM (last entry at 6:00 PM), it will be the moment dedicated to journalists and industry professionals to explore the new oenological proposals.
Open to the Public: On February 16th, also from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM (last entry at 6:00 PM), it will be the special day open to wine enthusiasts. The entrance fee is 30 €, with reduced rates of 15 € for members of associations such as AIES, AIS, ARS, ASPI, ASSOSOMMELIER, ENOCLUB SIENA, FISAR, FIS, ONAV, SLOW FOOD, and university students.
A Unique Experience in the Heart of Chianti Classico
The Chianti Classico Collection is much more than a simple tasting. It is a total immersion into the world of oenology and Tuscan tradition. Visitors will have the opportunity to interact directly with producers, discover the stories behind each label, and deepen their knowledge of Gallo Nero wines.
A Date to Mark on the Calendar
The Chianti Classico Collection 2024 promises to be a memorable experience for wine lovers eager to explore the excellences of Chianti Classico. With a rich array of labels to discover and the chance to immerse oneself in the unique atmosphere of Tuscany, this event is an essential appointment for enthusiasts and experts in the oenological sector. Mark the date and prepare to experience an extraordinary weekend celebrating Italian oenogastronomic excellences.
Chianti Classico Collection 2024, an event not to be missed, photos By Carol Agostini
Aphrodisiac Spices: Aromas, Passions, and History in the Art of Seduction
By Carol Agostini
Spices have been used for centuries as aphrodisiacs around the world, adding a touch of passion and sensuality to dishes, drinks, and perfumes. In this article, we’ll explore the historical roots of aphrodisiac spices, the cultural traditions associated with them, their places of production, and how these aromatic fragrances have been intertwined in the art of seduction. Additionally, we’ll share some delightful recipes based on aphrodisiac spices.
Aphrodisiac Spices, Travel Companions of the Senses 2024, by Carol Agostini, photos from the internet Mareefe
History of Aphrodisiac Spices Aphrodisiac
Spices have a history that dates back to ancient times. Cinnamon, for example, was precious in ancient Egypt and was often used in preparations to increase libido and sexual excitement. In India, cardamom was known as a potent aphrodisiac and was frequently included in perfume blends. The history of aphrodisiac spices intertwines with the history of love and passion, making them an intriguing part of culinary culture and romantic traditions.
Cultural Traditions of Aphrodisiac Spices
Different cultures have developed culinary traditions and rituals associated with aphrodisiac spices. In India, for instance, garam masala, a blend of warm spices like cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, and cloves, is often used in traditional dishes to stimulate desire. Moreover, in many Eastern cultures, ginger is considered a natural aphrodisiac and is used both in cooking and herbal remedies.
Production Locations of Aphrodisiac Spices
Aphrodisiac spices are cultivated in various parts of the world, making each region unique in its production and use of these sensual fragrances. India is one of the primary producers of aphrodisiac spices, with varieties like nutmeg, cardamom, and ginger cultivated in the southern and northeastern regions of the country. Indonesia is famous for clove production, while Sri Lanka is known for high-quality cinnamon. Each place carries its own unique culinary and cultural traditions tied to aphrodisiac spices.
Aphrodisiac Spices in the Art of Seduction
Aphrodisiac spices aren’t limited solely to the kitchen; they’ve also been used in the art of seduction. The exotic and sensual fragrances of spices can create a romantic and seductive atmosphere. For example, essential oil of cinnamon can be diffused in a room to create a warm and enveloping atmosphere, while cardamom can be added to body creams and perfumes to intensify attraction. In art, spices have often been used to represent passion and sensuality.
The French painter Gustave Courbet, for instance, painted “The Origin of the World” in 1866, a famous erotic artwork depicting a detailed image of a woman’s body alongside a branch of cloves. This piece represents the connection between art, sensuality, and aphrodisiac spices.
Spices considered aphrodisiacs vary depending on cultures and culinary traditions, but many of them are widely accepted for their stimulating and aromatic properties.
Aphrodisiac Spices, Travel Companions of the Senses 2024, by Carol Agostini, photos from the internet, Saffron
Here are some of the most common spices considered aphrodisiacs:
1. Ginger: Ginger is known for its warming and stimulating properties. Added to dishes or beverages, it can increase libido and improve blood circulation due to gingerol, the main compound giving the spice its spicy flavor.
2. Cinnamon: Cinnamon is often associated with passion andis used in many cultures to flavor aphrodisiac desserts and drinks. It contains cinnamaldehyde, which contributes to its flavor and aroma. This compound can influence sensory stimulation.
3. Cardamom: This spice is considered a potent aphrodisiac andis often used in cuisine for its rich and sensual aroma. It contains essential oils that include cineole and terpinene, which can have stimulating effects.
4. Chili Pepper: Chili pepper is known for its warming effect on the body and its ability to increase heart rate, thus stimulating passion, because it contains capsaicin responsible for its spiciness.
5. Cloves: Cloves are known for their intense aroma and potential aphrodisiac effect. They contain eugenol, which gives them their characteristic aroma and can have stimulating effects.
6. Nutmeg: Nutmeg is often considered an aphrodisiac andis used in cooking for its rich and spicy aromas. It contains myristicin, a compound with potential aphrodisiac properties.
7. Saffron: This expensive spice is associated with sexual desire and has historically been used in various aphrodisiac dishes. It contains crocin, a chemical associated with intense stimulating effects.
8. Vanilla: The sweet and enveloping aroma given by vanillin is often associated with sensuality andis used in many aphrodisiac desserts and beverages.
9. Star Anise: This spice has a flavor similar to licorice and can be used in cocktails and aphrodisiac desserts. It contains essential oils with a range of compounds contributing to its distinctive aroma, such as anethole.
10. Mint: Mint is often used in beverages and foods for its refreshing and stimulating effect. It contains carvone that contributes to the taste and smell, like menthol, limonene, and menthofuran.
11. Curry: Curry blends often contain aphrodisiac spices like ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, among others, making them a spicy choice to stimulate the senses. It contains a variety of terpenes and essential oils that contribute to its complex flavors and aromas, such as cineole, curcumin, and phenols.
Aphrodisiac Spices, Travel Companions of the Senses 2024, by Carol Agostini, photos from the internet Arthouse Studio
It’s important to note that the aphrodisiac effect of spices can vary from person to person, and many of these beliefs are based on cultural traditions and folk stories. However, many people find that using these spices in cooking can add a touch of passion and sensuality to meals and beverages.
Spices considered aphrodisiacs are often not evaluated through specific organoleptic and chemical parameters, but rather through their historical and cultural reputation for enhancing sexual desire and attraction. However, many of these spices contain chemical compounds known to have stimulating or sensual effects.
The organoleptic and chemical parameters of spices can vary based on different factors, including variety, growing region, cultivation method, and preservation. Furthermore, the aphrodisiac power of these spices is often based on individual perception and cultural beliefs rather than objective scientific measurements.
To best harness the aphrodisiac effect of these spices, one can experiment with recipes that incorporate these spices in pleasing combinations for the palate. However, it’s essential to remember that the aphrodisiac effect largely depends on personal experiences and cultural beliefs, so there are no standardized parameters or specific organoleptic and chemical requirements to evaluate such spices in this context.’
Aphrodisiac Spices, Travel Companions of the Senses 2024, by Carol Agostini, photos from the internet Karolina Grabowska
Recipes Based on Aphrodisiac Spices Here are some delightful recipes based on aphrodisiac spices to stimulate the senses and ignite passion:
Chili Chocolate: • Ingredients: Dark chocolate, chili powder. • Preparation: Melt the dark chocolate in a double boiler and add a generous pinch of chili powder. Pour the melted chocolate into chocolate molds and let it cool. The chili adds a spicy and sensual touch to the sweetness.
Ginger Chicken Curry: • Ingredients: Chicken, grated fresh ginger, curry powder, coconut milk. • Preparation: Cook the chicken in a curry sauce with fresh ginger and coconut milk. The heat of the curry and the spiciness of the ginger make this dish perfect for a romantic dinner.
Cinnamon and Honey Glazed Salmon: • Ingredients: Salmon fillet, cinnamon powder, honey. • Preparation: Sprinkle the salmon fillet with cinnamon powder and bake it in the oven. At the end of cooking, brush it with honey. The combination of cinnamon and honey creates a balance of sweet and spicy that stimulates the palate.
Cardamom Cocktail: • Ingredients: Vodka, lime juice, cardamom syrup. • Preparation: Mix vodka, lime juice, and cardamom syrup in a shaker with ice. Shake well and pour into a cocktail glass. Cardamom adds an aromatic and exotic touch to the drink.
Aphrodisiac spices have a rich and fascinating history, intertwining in culinary traditions and the art of seduction. These sensual aromas from around the world add an element of passion and desire to dishes, beverages, and even artistic creation. So, the next time you want to heat up the atmosphere and create a unique sensory experience, don’t forget to experiment with aphrodisiac spices. Bon appétit and happy seduction!’
The Red Thread: Wine, Food, and Seduction Awaiting 2024
By Carol Agostini
The allure of red extends far beyond its hue: it embodies passion, an amour fou that intertwines with various aspects of life. It’s a color that exudes complexity, with meanings that delve into psychology, chromotherapy, fashion, and even beauty. According to Helen Venables, primary red is an essential color in every woman’s wardrobe, possessing the power to infuse strength and a healthy glow in those who wear it.
Red instantly captivates attention; wherever it appears, the gaze naturally gravitates towards it. It represents energy, associated with movement, speed, and power. It embodies desire, passion, excitement, and fervor.
The Red Thread: Wine, Food, and Seduction Awaiting 2024, photo by internet
Food and wine, like inseparable siblings, walk hand in hand, seeking a common goal: delighting diners and transforming every meal into a noteworthy gastronomic journey. When it comes to food-wine pairing, commonly referred to as wine pairing, one enters a delicate, almost sacred territory. Broadly speaking, the relationships between food and wine can be narrowed down to two guiding principles: contrast and harmony.
Contrasting pairings seek opposite characteristics in both the wine and the food, creating a delightful play of flavors. Conversely, harmony enhances the similarities between the two, accentuating shared traits and qualities.
In the realm of culinary seduction, understanding these relationships is crucial. A successful pairing not only tantalizes the taste buds but also creates an experience that engages all the senses, inviting diners on an unforgettable exploration of flavors and sensations.
The Red Thread: Wine, Food, and Seduction Awaiting 2024, photo by internet
The Intricacy of Contrast and Harmony
Contrast in pairings creates a dynamic experience, where opposing elements in both the food and wine combine to create a symphony of flavors. Imagine the richness of a decadent chocolate dessert heightened by the acidity of a robust red wine or the tanginess of a citrusy dish complemented by a buttery Chardonnay. These pairings engage in a delightful tug-of-war, each enhancing the uniqueness of the other.
Contrasting pairings offer an intriguing path: the courage to juxtapose the sharpness of a dish with the elegance of a wine, generating a play of contrasts that brings out the best in both. The robustness of a red wine could perfectly balance a meat-based dish, while a buttery Chardonnay could splendidly contrast a light fish dish.
The Red Thread: Wine, Food, and Seduction Awaiting 2024, photo by internet
On the other hand, harmony aims to create a homogeneous blend of flavors. In this case, the goal is to find common ground between the food and the wine, marrying shared characteristics to elevate the culinary experience. For example, the delicate flavors of a fish-based dish might harmonize perfectly with an aromatic and sparkling white wine, enhancing the overall pleasure of the meal.
However, harmony encapsulates a different magic. It’s the art of finding a perfect alignment, an intimate dialogue between the characteristics of the food and those of the wine. A fruity rosé wine might magnificently complement a fresh salad, while an aromatic white wine could embrace the delicate flavors of a cheese-based dish.
The Art of Pairing: A Sensory Journey
Mastering the art of food-wine pairing requires a delicate balance of knowledge, intuition, and experimentation. It’s an intricate dance between flavors, textures, aromas, and palates, where each combination tells a unique story.
This journey is not just about taste but the sensory orchestra that unfolds with every bite and sip. It’s the subtle play of acidity, sweetness, bitterness, and umami that creates a tapestry of sensations that caress the senses.
Food, wine, and the subtle game of seduction intertwine in a timeless sensory embrace, where red becomes the guiding thread of a fascinating story. This vibrant hue, loaded with meaning, transforms into an ideal companion in the dance of flavors and aromas.
In the refined world of gastronomy, the art of pairing food and wine is more than just a mere union of flavors. It’s the synergy of two worlds, a meeting between the essence of elaborate dishes and the complexity of oenological notes, all orchestrated in a culinary ballet that engages the senses in a memorable experience.
In this intricate maze of tastes, colors, and sensations, red continues to be the unbreakable thread that binds food, wine, and seduction, weaving together precision, passion, and understanding, transforming each meal into a gustatory poetry destined to be etched in memory. Whether in contrast or in harmony, the interaction reflects a timeless art that continues to fascinate and delight connoisseurs and enthusiasts.
The Red Thread: Wine, Food, and Seduction Awaiting 2024, photo by internet
The Seductive Power of Recipes: A Journey through Flavors
Recipes are not just a combination of ingredients but an expression of creativity and culinary passion that can tantalize the senses and captivate the heart. In the vast world of cuisine, there are dishes that go beyond mere taste; they are authentic works of art capable of seducing not only the palate but also the soul.
The Art of Seduction through Flavors
Salmon Carpaccio with Cucumber and Mint Sauce A delicate combination of smoked salmon slices gracefully arranged on a bed of crisp vegetables, seasoned with a refreshing sauce made from cucumbers and mint. This recipe not only delights the palate but also fascinates with its elegant and sophisticated presentation.
Porcini Mushroom and Black Truffle Risotto Creamy risotto, enriched by the depth of porcini mushrooms and the earthy note of black truffle, is a culinary poem that caresses the senses. Its enveloping aroma and comforting texture transform this dish into a culinary seduction.
Dark Chocolate Dessert with Berries The seduction culminates in a sweet and irresistible finale. Dark chocolate, with its intensity and richness, elegantly pairs with the freshness of berries. A combination that evokes emotions and elicits an unforgettable sensory pleasure.
The Red Thread: Wine, Food, and Seduction Awaiting 2024, photo by internet
The Enchantment of the Table
It’s not just the taste that plays a role in culinary seduction; presentation and preparation also contribute to the enchanting atmosphere. A carefully set table, the anticipation while preparing a seductive dish, and the aesthetic presentation of each course are vital components of this experience.
The Sensory Experience
Culinary seduction engages all the senses. From the captivating colors of the dishes to the enveloping aroma of spices, from the creamy and smooth textures to the crispy and succulent ones, each element collaborates to create an unforgettable experience.
Ultimately, seductive recipes are not just a way to satiate hunger but an opportunity to immerse oneself in a world of emotions, creating connections through flavors and transforming a meal into a seductive and memorable experience.
Exploring the Art of Seduction: When Food and Wine Enchant the Senses
The relationship between food, wine, and seduction has captivated generations, inspiring authors and enthusiasts to explore the union between these elements. Texts, articles, and books rich in suggestions narrate stories and offer insights into this sensual and engaging synergy.
Intriguing Books.
In approaching this topic, I’ve had the fortune of reading these texts over the years:
• “Like Water for Chocolate” by Laura Esquivel, a novel that tells the story of a woman whose emotional state is reflected in the preparation of dishes, connecting food to her inner world.
• “The Physiology of Taste” by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, a classic that explores the relationship between food, pleasure, and the senses, offering a rich perspective on gastronomy.
• “The Wine Bible” by Karen MacNeil, an exhaustive guide on wine that not only explores its characteristics but also its seductive union with food.
Captivating Articles.
For further exploration on the discussed theme:
• Magazines and cooking websites often present articles exploring seductive culinary techniques, offering tips and ideas for irresistible dishes.
• Esteemed Enogastronomic publications like “Wine Spectator” or “Decanter” provide insights into food-wine pairing in a seductive manner, with reviews and suggestions.
Incisive Online Resources
Food Blogs, where culinary bloggers share recipes and tips on creating captivating dishes, sometimes suggesting enticing wine-food pairings, as well as Enogastronomic websites, specialized portals in enogastronomy offering guides and advice on how to combine food and wine in a seductive manner, with detailed analyses of successful pairings.
Exquisite Examples
In “Like Water for Chocolate,” food becomes an emotional expression, conveying feelings that seduce and engage the reader. Novels exploring this dimension are often fascinating journeys through the senses. “The Wine Bible” by MacNeil offers an immersion into the world of wine, highlighting how the nuances of a good wine can amplify the culinary experience, creating an affinity between food and wine that stimulates curiosity and the desire to experiment.
Additionally, articles in enogastronomic magazines such as “Wine Spectator” can provide insights into specific pairings that enhance the flavor of a dish and wine, transforming the culinary experience into a sensual journey.
Online resources, including cooking blogs and enogastronomic websites, offer a practical approach, with suggestions on creating dishes and pairings that engage the senses.
Ultimately, these texts and resources offer a broad perspective on the theme of seduction through food and wine, inviting exploration into a fascinating world where the senses intertwine in a ballet of flavors, aromas, and sensations.
The Red Thread: Wine, Food, and Seduction Awaiting 2024, photo by Wendel Moretti
The Sensory Chemistry
It plays a significant role in the context of seduction at the table, influencing our sensory experiences and perception of food and wine. Sensory perception mainly involves the senses of smell, taste, and sight and can have a direct impact on how we relate to food and people during a seductive meal.
Smell and Taste: The Power of Sensations
Smell is one of the key senses that influence our perception of food and wine. During a seductive encounter at the table, appetizing scents can evoke memories, emotions, and even influence our mood. The sensory chemistry of aromas can be engaging and incite an emotional connection by evoking past memories or creating a romantic atmosphere.
The variety of flavors and taste combinations during a seductive meal can stimulate the sensory chemistry of taste. Contrasting or harmonious flavors can create engaging sensory experiences. A food-wine pairing or refined dishes can delight the palate and add a level of sensory pleasure that enriches the overall experience.
Impact on Emotional Well-being
Sensory chemistry can also influence our emotional and mental well-being. Pleasant flavors and seductive aromas can trigger the production of endorphins, chemicals linked to pleasure and well-being in the brain. These chemical reactions can contribute to creating a more engaging and satisfying culinary experience, adding to the context of seduction at the table.
Connection with Seduction
In the context of seduction, the sensory experience can be instrumental in igniting an emotional spark between people. Smell and taste are intimately linked to attraction and emotions. A meal with surprising flavors or a wine with a seductive aroma can contribute to creating an intimate and engaging atmosphere, enhancing the connection and complicity between diners.
Ultimately, sensory chemistry during a seductive meal can play a significant role in elevating the sensory experience and contribute to the emotional connection between people, adding an element of seduction and pleasure to the shared moment at the table.
Carol Agostini fondatore del Magazine Papillae, titolare Agenzia FoodandWineAngels, commissario internazionale, selezionatore, Food&Wine Writer
“What should the style of professionalism in foodandwine be like in 2023?
By Carol Agostini
In the captivating universe of foodandwine, the debate on the stylistic approach to professionalism is always alive. The question is posed: should it adapt to the lightness of modern times or maintain an elegant, sober, and tasteful tone? It’s a dilemma reflected in contemporary gastronomic culture, where the evolution of tastes and trends meets tradition and sophistication.
In 2023, do various foodandwine professions have a style? Carol Agostini
The world of foodandwine is a stage in constant evolution, where chefs, sommeliers, gastronomic critics, and industry experts move skillfully between creativity, knowledge, and precision. Professionalism in this field requires a subtle balance between innovation and respect for roots, between boldness and refinement.
On one hand, there are those who argue that modernity demands a transformation in the style of professionalism in foodandwine. The digital era and the acceleration of the pace of life lead to a growing preference for simplicity, accessibility, and lightness in gastronomic experiences. This approach suggests that even professionalism should adapt to a more informal language, closer to people, less formal, and more inclusive.
On the other hand, there is a firmly rooted opinion that advocates for the beauty and intrinsic value of sobriety and elegance in the world of food and wine. Professionalism is seen as an untouchable pillar, an embodiment of savoir-faire, where respect for history, etiquette, and the refinement of gestures remains essential. This approach argues that maintaining an elegant and tasteful style is what truly distinguishes professionals in this sector and should never be sacrificed on the altar of modern trends.
In 2023, do various foodandwine professions have a style? Carol Agostini
The main challenge lies in the ability to find a meeting point between these seemingly opposite perspectives. Is it possible to integrate the innovation and freshness of modern times without compromising quality and elegance? The answer might lie in the flexibility and adaptability of industry operators, in the art of balancing the ancient and the new, the sophisticated and the casual, without losing sight of the essence of the food and wine experience.
In the global market, the evolution of professional style in food and wine can significantly influence commercial success. The trend towards more accessible and informal communication can attract a wide range of consumers, increasing the visibility and popularity of a brand or restaurant. However, maintaining a refined and classy approach can ensure the loyalty of a more traditional and sophisticated audience.
A tangible example of this challenge is represented by the increasingly prominent presence of social media in the world of food and wine. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok have revolutionized how gastronomy is presented and consumed. The question is: how can industry professionals adapt their style and professionalism to these new channels without compromising their integrity and quality?
In 2023, do various foodandwine professions have a style? Photo by Kindel Media
The world of food and wine, with its variety of flavors, aromas, and cultures, reflects the complexity of modern tastes. Professionalism in this field is not just a matter of culinary or oenological competence but also of presentation, communication, and adaptability.
The simplicity and lightness of current times have brought about a sort of democratization in the sector, pushing many to seek more accessible, less formal but equally satisfying culinary experiences. This has influenced not only how dishes and wines are prepared and presented but also the communication surrounding these products. The use of social media and digital platforms has become crucial to reach an increasingly vast and diversified audience. The ability to communicate clearly, engagingly, and authentically has become an essential part of professionalism in the industry.
In 2023, do various foodandwine professions have a style? Photo by Elina Sazonova
On the other hand, there is still a solid base of consumers who appreciate and seek elegance, refinement, and good taste in their gastronomic experiences. Professionalism for this audience means preserving tradition, respecting the history behind each dish and wine, maintaining a level of exclusivity and distinction.
The meeting point between these two perspectives could be represented by intentional flexibility. Chefs, sommeliers, and industry experts in foodandwine could adopt a style that embraces both the informal and modern approach as well as elegance and sophistication. This does not mean compromising quality or authenticity but rather adapting to the changing needs of a diversified clientele.
In fact, many prominent figures in the gastronomic world have embraced this idea, trying to combine the best of both worlds. Presenting exquisite dishes in an informal context, creating high-quality wines without being excessively elitist in their promotion are just some of the strategies adopted.
In terms of the market, adapting professional style seems to bring tangible benefits. Brands and restaurants that have embraced this flexibility have been able to reach a wider audience, appealing to both traditional and modern, young consumers. The key seems to be consistency in offering authentic and quality experiences, regardless of the adopted communicative style.
In the foodandwine sector, market trends related to the evolution of style and professionalism have been observed. For instance, studies and market analysis have highlighted an increase in demand from consumers for more accessible, authentic, and less formal gastronomic experiences, in line with the social and cultural changes of modern times.
In 2023, do various foodandwine professions have a style? Photo by Shvets Production
This change in trend has led many restaurants, chefs, and wine producers to adopt more informal and engaging marketing and communication strategies, often through social media and other digital platforms. The informal approach, the valorization of the story behind each dish or wine, and transparency in the production process have become key elements in capturing the attention of an increasingly diverse and quality-conscious audience.
On the other hand, there is still strong demand for refined, exclusive, and high-class culinary experiences. There are market segments that continue to seek tradition, elegance, and sophistication in their foodandwine experiences.
This duality in the food and wine market has led many industry professionals to seek a balance between these two extremes, adopting flexible approaches that can satisfy a wide range of consumers. Marketing and communication strategies that blend elements of simplicity and lightness with refinement and elegance seem to attract a wider and diversified audience, allowing brands and restaurants to reach a broader and more varied customer base.
In 2023, do various foodandwine professions have a style? Photo By Corinna Widmer
Remember that the foodandwine market is extremely dynamic and varied, with many facets and different segments. Successful strategies can vary based on geographical location, target clientele, and the peculiarities of the product or service offered.
Professionalism in the food and wine world is no longer solely defined by a single aesthetic or style but rather by a set of skills, adaptability, and authenticity. Finding a balance between tradition and innovation, between elegance and simplicity, seems to be the key to lasting success in an ever-evolving culinary landscape, without completely abandoning one style in favor of the other but rather blending both to satisfy an increasingly diversified and demanding audience.
Italian gastronomy: A journey through culinary history that conquers the world
Italian gastronomy is a true culinary saga that unfolds between the past and the present, having traversed epochs of triumphs and evolutions that have made it an icon of international cuisine. With a heritage of over 70,000 recipes, Italian cuisine rests its foundations on the quality of raw materials and the essence of regional flavors.
The journey of this culinary tradition underwent an epochal transformation during the twentieth century. While in the 1950s, international tourism counted 25 million visitors worldwide, by 2014, this number exploded, reaching over one billion and one hundred million. Such growth triggered an exponential increase in the turnover of the tourism sector, with exports reaching 1,159 billion dollars (equivalent to 873 billion euros) in 2013.
At a time when the United States was already experiencing mass tourism, Italy presented itself as a country undergoing transformation, with a predominant rural population and a newly initiated industrialization process. Tourism in Italy was then an elitist phenomenon, accessible to only a few privileged individuals.
In 2023, do various foodandwine professions have a style? Photo by Ron Lach
Italian gastronomy has traversed centuries of evolution, stemming from a French hegemony that extended for over three centuries in Europe. The grand Italian hotels, emerging between the late nineteenth century and the First World War, bore French names like Des Bains, Excelsior, Ritz, Palace, Splendid, Royale, De Russie, D’Angleterre, Hermitage.
During the Renaissance period, Italy not only dominated Europe culturally but also gastronomically. Italian cuisine was at the center of a European rebirth, serving as a bridge between the rich Islamic civilization of the southern Mediterranean and a resurging Europe emerging from Germanic invasions.
Italy’s rise as a protagonist in global tourism manifested in the second half of the twentieth century, partly thanks to the Marshall Plan for the reconstruction of Europe. The country industrialized, became modern while retaining an ancient heart, a rebirth of the Renaissance.
This international success was fueled by the valorization of the territory, excellent raw materials, and the aesthetics of the dishes. Italy, thanks to the Mediterranean climate and the diversity of its productions, boasts an enviable position in the world of food and wine.
Italian cuisine, with its fusion of aristocratic and popular traditions, stands out for its antiquity and its use of excellent raw materials. This unique tradition has been enriched by international influences, transforming tomatoes, corn, potatoes, and other ingredients into Italian culinary symbols.
The peak of Italian cuisine’s success reached its zenith between the mid-1970s and 1980s, marking the decline of French Nouvelle Cuisine. Italian superiority was manifested through the excellence of products, the technical skills of chefs, and the beauty in culinary presentation.
Personalities like Carlo Petrini, the founder of Slow Food, and Oscar Farinetti, with Eatitaly, have contributed to valorizing and promoting Italian gastronomy worldwide, representing an excellent response to the dilemma of how to effectively promote the Italian enogastronomic style.
Italy now positions itself as one of the most coveted enogastronomic destinations in the world, thanks to its ability to engineer its history and tradition, emerging with a combination of ancient flavors and rigorous contemporary techniques.
The future of Italian Style lies in the valorization of the territory, cultural and biological biodiversity, natural agriculture, and respect for the biological cycles of plants and animals. EXPO 2015, held in Milan, was an occasion to compare the Italian approach with the chemical and GMO approaches of other countries, promoting Italianity with rigor, merit, and professionalism.
Italy, with its enogastronomic heritage, continues to represent a winning marketing model, a blend of history and modernity, steeped in passion and tradition, which fascinates and conquers the world with its dishes, wines, and unparalleled culinary culture.”
Carol Agostini fondatore del Magazine Papillae, titolare Agenzia FoodandWineAngels, commissario internazionale, selezionatore, Food&Wine Writer
Artimino Estate, a rare beauty jewel, UNESCO Heritage since 2013
By Carol Agostini
The Olmo Family and the Estate’s History
Since 1989, the Artimino Estate has been the residence of the Olmo family, a place where wine and oil production have roots dating back to the 18th century. Its 700 hectares immerse visitors in the Tuscan countryside, embracing the renowned Medici Villa “La Ferdinanda,” a jewel erected in 1596 and now a UNESCO heritage site. Adjacent to this splendid villa stands the Tenuta di Artimino hotel, part of the Meliá Collection, and the renowned Biagio Pignatta restaurant, celebrated for its interpretation of Tuscan cuisine.
Artimino Estate: UNESCO Heritage Jewel since 2013, photo from the internet
Located near Florence and other fascinating art cities in the region, the estate overlooks the medieval village of Artimino. Here, viticulture is managed responsibly, blending advanced winemaking technologies in the cellar to support the natural vocation of the land. This area boasts a millennia-old winemaking history, beginning with the Etruscans and continuing with the de’ Medici family. Carmignano, in particular, played a key role in Cosimo III’s decree in 1716, considered the oldest oenological “discipline” in the world.
Artimino Estate: UNESCO Heritage Jewel since 2013, photo of Villa Medici
The love for wine in Artimino has deep roots, tracing back to the Etruscan era. In the 17th century, the Medici family perpetuated this tradition, making Carmignano wines, particularly those of Artimino, among the most esteemed of the time. In 1716, with Cosimo III’s edict, a document was drafted defining the production boundaries of these wines, almost acting as a set of rules and classifying them as “wines fit for shipping,” ideal for exportation due to their longevity and quality.
Medici and the Villa of Artimino: Guardians of Wine in Carmignano
Since 1596, Artimino has been cherished by the Medici, especially by Ferdinando I, who, in a letter to his wife Cristina di Lorena dated January 19, 1596, wrote: “Today I was in Artimino, and believe me, Your Highness, I found a spring.” In just four years, based on the design by the famous architect Bernardo Buontalenti, Villa La Ferdinanda emerged, also known as Villa dei Cento Camini, forever becoming the epitome of a countryside residence.
Artimino Estate: UNESCO Heritage Jewel since 2013, photo of Villa Medici
Artimino is undoubtedly the birthplace of Carmignano wine. For instance, the works around the Villa in 1680, commissioned by Cosimo III de’ Medici, led to the establishment of the first set of regulations ahead of its time. In the cellars of the Villa, within the estate’s ancient archive, documents related to vineyard work and rural life from that era are still preserved.
Who was Cosimo III de’ Medici?
The Long Winemaking Tradition of Carmignano
Cosimo III de’ Medici (1642-1723), the penultimate Grand Duke of Tuscany, had a clear vision regarding the protection of the quality and reputation of Tuscan wines, which were already highly esteemed. This sovereign comprehended the economic importance of wine for the lands under his rule.
On November 29, 1704, he issued a text of 84 pages known as the “Renewal of laws on wine, butchering, taxes, transporters,” which compiled laws on wine sales and circulation. Dissatisfied with the results, the following year, on September 25, 1705, he revoked the recently promulgated law, replacing it with the “Moderation of the new law on wine,” aiming to “further facilitate wine trade.”
This new law allowed “landowners to freely purchase wine from farmers for sale or to settle debts, and farmers could bring their wine to Florence and trade it freely.”
Artimino Estate: UNESCO Heritage Jewel since 2013, photo by Carol Agostini
Cosimo III de’ Medici’s significant attention to the wine industry, coupled with his modern vision in this sector, is further highlighted by the establishment, in July 1716, of a new congregation dedicated to wine trade.
On September 24 of the same year, the delegates of this congregation issued the “Edict on the delimitation of the boundaries of the four regions Chianti, Pomino, Carmignano, and Val d’Arno di Sopra.” This document, after delineating the boundaries of these four regions, seems to establish the geographical indication of the wine by stating that only wines produced and obtained within these boundaries could be “marketed as wines of Chianti, Pomino, Carmignano, and Val d’Arno di Sopra.”
In detail, regarding the Carmignano wine in the Edict of 1716, it identifies, in line with current specifications of DOC and DOCG regulations, the “Zone of grape production,” ranging “from the Muro del Barco Reale near the Furba River, along the Ceoli Road that leads from the river to Bonistallo; then to the Villa of Mr. Marchese Bartolommei, up to the Muro del Barco Reale near the Arzana Gate.” These provisions, anticipating by 246 years, 9 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days the Desana law of July 12, 1963, which gave rise to the current system of Controlled Denominations of Origin, constitute the first references to Denominations of Origin and related regulations”.
Who was Giuseppe Olmo?
Giuseppe Olmo and Fausto Coppi, article: Artimino Estate: UNESCO Heritage Jewel since 2013, photo from the internet
Passion for Artimino
On a morning in 1924, an observer noticed Giuseppe Olmo returning from school, carrying his books tied to his bicycle frame. It was an era of great champions like Binda, Guerra, Bini, and Bartali. Olmo, with exceptional talent, achieved increasingly brilliant sporting results, earning a call-up to represent Italy at the 1931 World Championships in Denmark and the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles. His successes were numerous, culminating in the historic Hour Record of 1935, setting a new record with 45.090 kilometres.
World War II ended his sporting career, but it didn’t quell his entrepreneurial spirit and passion for cycling. After hanging up his bicycle, he began producing bicycles at the Celle Ligure factory. After the war, he expanded his production to include tyres and tubulars, creating from scratch companies that today represent global excellence.
Artimino Estate: UNESCO Heritage Jewel since 2013, photo by Carol Agostini
The Olmo Family: Continuity and Values
Annabella Pascale and Francesco Spotorno are the third generation carrying forward Gepin’s legacy, leaving the family with timeless values: the solidity of the family, the importance of work, long-term perspective, and respect for the land as a refuge and source of sustenance.
Annabella Pascale and Francesco Spotorno, article: Artimino Estate, a jewel of UNESCO Heritage since 2013, photo from the internet
Giuseppe Olmo, known as Gepin, acquired the Artimino Estate in the ’80s, attracted by the love for the Tuscan countryside, the connection with the land, its history, and the beauty of the landscapes. Aware as both a man and an entrepreneur, Gepin understood that no one could ever deprive them of that heritage, while businesses could move elsewhere, and conflicts could compromise production.
Currently, the Artimino Estate represents not just a residence for the Olmo family, but a place to protect, a treasure to enhance:
“For us, it’s a great honor and a great responsibility to take care of something so dear to our grandfather and our family. A project aimed at quality and beauty, at the conservation of the territory, at the promotion of a fascinating and rich product, like our wine.” – Annabella Pascale, CEO and General Manager
The new management of the Artimino Estate has outlined a strategic project that includes new protocols for grape processing and, probably, new wines, as well as significant work to enhance the extensive wooded areas and olive groves of the company. Annabella, who firmly believes in the power of the territory and has long been active within the Consortium, hopes that more and more producers in the area will join forces to enhance and promote this small DOCG (Controlled and Guaranteed Denomination of Origin) that has much to offer to the world of oenology.
Artimino Estate, a jewel of UNESCO Heritage since 2013, photo from the internet by Francesco Spotorno
In the first 10 years of this new direction, the company has significantly improved the management of the vineyards, focusing on quality, and has achieved significant results in the cellar, producing Carmignano winesthat reflect the territory and are of high quality. Now it’s time to aim for new goals through significant investments both in oenology and in viticulture. My family feels the obligation to further grow and highlight the Artimino Estate in its historical role, dating back to the time of Ferdinando de’ Medici.
It’s also easy to think of Caterina De’ Medici who, becoming queen of France, introduced Cabernet to Carmignano, still called “French grape” today, making it mandatory to regulate the use of this variety from 10% to 20% in the blend. The goal is to further enhance the entire area of Carmignano, according to the idea of Annabella Pascale and her family, “growing the entire region with Artimino, small but of great quality” (the area has one of the highest percentages of awards and recognitions for producers in Italy, demonstrating the potential of the territory).
Article: Artimino Estate, a jewel of UNESCO Heritage since 2013, photo from the internet by Annabella Pascale
Changes at the Estate
Starting from 2022, the renowned oenologist Riccardo Cotarella, along with his team, joined the oenological management of Artimino, dedicating his commitment to achieving the most excellent interpretation of wines from a land highly dedicated to viticulture.
Who is Riccardo Cotarella?
Riccardo Cotarella has innovated and perfected the role of a global oenologist and flying winemaker, advising numerous wineries worldwide. His approach focuses on the uniqueness of terroir and the individual characteristics of each wine, avoiding uniformity in terms of taste. The “Der Feinschmecker” award celebrates his extraordinary expertise and creative work in the global wine scene.
As President of Assoenologi and co-president of the Union Internationale des Oenologues, Cotarella is also a producer with Famiglia Cotarella, a company he founded with his brother Renzo and now run by their daughters Dominga, Marta, and Errica. He is considered one of the most influential oenologist consultants not only in Italy but internationally. The “Wine Awards 2023” conferred in Hamburg by “Der Feinschmecker”, a prestigious German food and wine magazine, is a significant acknowledgment of his career and Italian oenology as a whole.
Cotarella feels honored by the award, considering it an encouragement to further contribute to the world of wine and oenology. He deems it essential to impart knowledge, especially in a period like the present one. He emphasizes the importance of a scientific approach in the industry and is committed to sharing this perspective, particularly with young colleagues. The oenologist underscores the need for rigor and method, combined with passion, to excel in oenological work. In the current harvest, complex due to adverse climatic conditions, Cotarella highlights the importance of meticulous technique in ensuring superior quality grapes that will yield excellent wines.
At the 2023 Merano WineFestival, the Artimino Estate Masterclass “The Carmignano of Artimino Estate: from the Medici to Champion Giuseppe Olmo”, conducted by Annabella Pascale and journalist Mauro Giacomo Bertolli, vintages in tasting:”
The Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot grapes that compose this rosé come from vineyards cultivated on loamy-sandy soils, enriched with good percentages of clay, at an average altitude of 135 meters above sea level.
During the winemaking process, entirely carried out in steel tanks, the grapes underwent a pre-fermentation maceration of about two hours. Subsequently, the wine was aged on its own noble lees for two months.
Characterized by a light salmon pink color, the Vin Ruspo 2022 presents a delicate and refined olfactory bouquet rather than intense: it reveals fruity and fresh hints of wild strawberries, red currants, loquat, and yellow peach, accompanied by elegant floral notes of red rose.
The taste is fresh and lively yet simultaneously soft, with an enveloping and persistent structure, providing a long-lasting gustatory persistence.
• Ser Biagio – Barco Reale di Carmignano DOC 2022
The grapes are manually harvested and immediately transported to the cellar for vinification. After crushing, fermentation begins with a long maceration in stainless steel tanks, maintaining the temperature between 25°C and 30°C. During this process, which lasts about 20 days, daily pump-overs and delestage every 3 days are performed.
The duration of the pump-overs is progressively reduced to avoid excessive extraction of unwanted tannins. Subsequently, the wine matures in steel for 6 months. It presents an intense ruby red color. On the nose, it stands out for its clarity and immediacy. Notes of ripe cherry emerge, accompanied by nuances of sweet spices, followed by hints of wild strawberries and violet. On the palate, it is decisive and characterized, a fresh wine but with evident substance. It concludes in a satisfying way, with delicate tannins.
• Poggilarca Carmignano DOCG 2020
This Carmignano DOCG is the result of Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot grapes from vineyards located on slopes at an average altitude of 135 meters above sea level. These soils are characterized by loamy and sandy elements, with a significant presence of clay.
After fermentation in steel tanks, the wines are aged in wood: Sangiovese matures in 30hl barrels, while the two Bordeaux varieties spend time in new and second-passage barriques.
Of an intense ruby color, the Poggilarca 2020 opens on the nose with deep and refined notes of cherry, sour cherry, and pomegranate. After a short aeration, floral hints of violet emerge, accompanied by candy, powdered coffee, and a slight trace of vanilla, emphasizing the delicate use of wood. An elegant balsamic note runs through the whole, providing verticality to the bouquet.
The wine is soft and full, supported by a well-balanced freshness and dense and sweet tannins, still slightly vigorous but pleasant. Despite its austere personality, this Carmignano DOCG surprises for its slender and graceful drinkability, maintaining a rich and complex structure with a long persistence.
• Grumarello Carmignano Riserva DOCG 2019
The Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Syrah grapes selected for this Reserve come from vineyards positioned at an average altitude of 110 meters above sea level, cultivated on soils rich in silt and sand, also enriched by a good presence of clay. After vinification in steel, the Grumarello 2019 spent 24 months in large barrels and barriques, where it also completed malolactic fermentation.
Of an intense ruby color, this Carmignano DOCG Reserve opens with hints of ripe cherry and touches of bitter red citrus, joined by floral notes of violet and light nuances of underbrush; the bouquet enriches with a fascinating selection of spices such as vanilla, black pepper, and licorice.
On the palate, it appears rich and juicy, with a soft structure and a balanced equilibrium supported by a clear but well-amalgamated freshness and lively, high-quality tannins.
Overall, the Grumarello 2019 is an agile and dynamic wine to savor, despite its significance, with a persistent closure that invites the next sip, ending with a pleasant mouth finish.
• Grumarello Carmignano Riserva DOCG 2012
Grapes are harvested only when they reach perfect ripeness. Fermentation occurs in temperature-controlled steel containers with a maceration on the skins that lasts for three weeks. Subsequently, the wine matures for two years in Slavonian oak barrels, followed by an additional bottle aging period for a year. The ingredients are simple, as is the recipe, but the excellence of the result is confirmed by the Carmignano Riserva “Grumarello” produced by Tenuta di Artimino.
This red wine is robust and full of character, perfect for accompanying dishes of red meat or game. It’s ideal for a dinner among friends and is unlikely to disappoint expectations.
Its color is a beautiful ruby red with slight garnet reflections. Its aromatic bouquet is elegant, with initial notes of wildflowers that give way to a rich presence of black fruit and herbaceous shades. Finally, hints of tobacco, cloves, and leather emerge. On the palate, it’s warm and rightly tannic, robust, and persistent.
• Grumarello Carmignano Riserva DOCG 2009
Like the other two, it’s an intense and deep wine with scents on the nose and palate that captivate; indeed, it enchanted the entire audience at the tasting. Enveloping like few Carmignano Riservas.
• Vin Santo di Carmignano DOC Occhio di Pernice 2012
The Vin Santo di Carmignano Occhio di Pernice from Artimino is born from the skillful combination of mainly red berry grapes collected in the Carmignano area, in the province of Prato.
Clusters of Sangiovese, Canaiolo, and Aleatico, with a touch of Trebbiano Toscano, Malvasia Bianca Lunga, and San Colombano, are left to dry on reed racks in the vinsantaia for about 4 months. After pressing, the must is placed in caratelli where it ferments and ages for at least 4 years.
The result is a nectar with an amber yellow color. The intense and complex bouquet offers aromas of dried figs, walnut husk, candied apricot, and almond. On the palate, it’s structured and enveloping, with a perfect balance between minerality, sweetness, and freshness.
Excellent to accompany chocolate desserts, it pairs well with aged and pit cheeses. It’s superb to be savored slowly while contemplating its aromas.
The FIVI Independent Winegrowers’ Wine Market Makes Its Debut at BolognaFiere: A Unique Wine Experience
By Carol Agostini
The prestigious setting of BolognaFiere welcomed the debut of the FIVI Independent Winegrowers’ Wine Market from 25 to 27 November 2023. This event, promoted by the Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti (Italian Federation of Independent Winegrowers), brought more than a thousand exhibitors from every corner of Italy to the lively city of Bologna for the first time, creating an unprecedented wine experience.
FIVI Indipendent Winegrowers 2023 at BolognaFiere
In an area of over 30,000 square metres, the event embraced the authenticity of the wines presented by FIVI member wineries, offering enthusiasts and the curious the chance to immerse themselves in a sensory journey through territorial excellence.
This edition, characterised by an innovative spirit and expansion into new, bright spaces, was an affirmation of Italian wine diversity. Not just a fair, but a meeting point between producers and the public, where wine becomes a universal language, linking identities, landscapes and traditions.
The event was also the occasion for the presentation of the ‘Leonildo Pieropan’ Award, an award dedicated to the memory of one of the founders of FIVI. This year, the honour was bestowed on Emidio Pepe of the Torano Nuovo winery in Abruzzo, a symbolic figure for the entire region. The award was presented at the Members’ Assembly on 27 November 2023, celebrating Pepe’s legacy and commitment to shaping wine growing in Abruzzo.
FIVI Indipendent Winegrowers 2023 at BolognaFiere, Carol Agostini with Sergio Cintioli and Le Piane
With more than 8,000 wines for tasting, the fair offered visitors the chance to get to know the work of independent winemakers at first hand, while also allowing the purchase of wines with a shipping service available. The president of BolognaFiere, Gianpiero Calzolari, emphasised the growing importance of Bologna as a centre for food and wine and environment-related events. Lorenzo Cesconi, president of FIVI, expressed satisfaction at bringing this event to Bologna for the first time, enhancing the city and creating a privileged meeting space for producers and wine enthusiasts.
The Wine Market of the Independent Winegrowers FIVI turned out to be not only an opportunity to discover the diversity and authenticity of Italian wines, but also a point of convergence between passion for the territory and love for the nectar of Bacchus, demonstrating how the example of figures such as Emidio Pepe continues to inspire and leave an indelible mark on the world of wine.
Who is Emidio Pepe?
“Yes, I started
with this very idea.
Taken from ‘Let’s keep young, life and wine of Emidio Pepe”.
Emidio Pepe family, article: FIVI Indipendent Winegrowers 2023 at BolognaFiere
Emidio Pepe: The Guardian of Abruzzo’s Traditions and Wines
Back in 1964, Emidio Pepe laid the foundations of his wine company, following in the footsteps of his father and especially his grandfather, who had been producing wine at the Pepe house since 1899. He was one of the first to firmly believe in the extraordinary qualities of Trebbiano and Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, dedicating all his energies to these two indigenous grape varieties and demonstrating their amazing capacity for ageing, introducing them to the world.
Born in 1932, Emidio Pepe is a man of few words, but of extraordinary tenacity and observation. His values are firm, his ideas precise. A tireless worker, he still personally looks after every single vineyard, from pruning to harvesting. His attention to nature’s signals is impeccable, the fruit of more than half a century of experience: he observes them, interprets them and follows them without altering them, thus preserving the terroir that he has always carefully guarded.
A defender of traditional principles, from the very beginning Emidio Pepe has tenaciously protected his lands and wines from chemicals, basing his work on empirical experience and respect for ancient traditions, which are reflected in the authenticity and genuineness of his wines.
Event within the event
Three days of parallel activities in addition to the tasting with outstanding master classes:
“Vigna della Congregazione”: Fiano di Avellino according to Villa Diamante
The first-born son of Villa Diamante, “Vigna della Congregazione” – named after the land on which the vine is planted, once the property of the Church – is by far one of the longest-lived white wines of the company founded in 1996 from the dream of Diamante and Antoine, now continued by their daughter Serena with the precious help of her mother. A wine that now represents a reference point for Fiano and for the entire oenology of Irpinia.
Producer Serena Gaita talks to Luigi Maffini (Vignaiolo in Campania).
Fiano di Avellino DOCG ‘Vigna della Congregazione’ 2017/18/19/20/21
Everyone calls it Lambrusco
Beyond all clichés, Lambrusco is an authentic hymn to joy. Camillo Favaro, a winegrower in Piedmont and a great expert on Burgundy wines, discovered it almost by chance, but fell in love with it to the point of writing a book about it. Dialoguing with some producers from the province of Modena, he will take us to discover the many nuances of this vine, between traditions and glances towards the future.
Lambrusco di Sorbara DOC “LaRiserva” 2021 – Paltrinieri
Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro DOC “Federico” – Cavaliera
Lambrusco di Sorbara DOC Metodo Ancestrale “Baby Magnum” 2021 – Marchesi di Ravarino
Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro DOC “Canova” – Fattoria Moretto
Lambrusco di Sorbara DOC Classic Method Brut Nature “Ring Adora” Rosé 2018 – Podere il Saliceto
“U Baccan”, the Pigato that defies time
A strict selection of the oldest vines in the estate’s vineyards, “U Baccan” – “il capo” in Ligurian dialect – is one of the most important and well-known expressions of Pigato, and shows the vocation of this grape variety to produce a wine with great personality, which proves “in the field” that it has excellent ageing capabilities. Riccardo Bruna was one of the pioneers of Pigato, bottling it since the early Seventies: affectionately called “U Baccan”, with this wine the family carries on its memory, in the concreteness of many vintages.
Producer Roberto Germani talks with Paolo Trimani (wine shop in Rome and Vignaiolo nel Lazio).
Pigato Riviera Ligure di Ponente DOC “U Baccan” 2016/17/19/20/21
Emotions from Vulture: the ‘Damaschito’ of Grifalco
A single cru, in the heart of Vulture; Aglianico vines over seventy years old; scrupulous vinification and about two years of barrel ageing. This is how Damaschito di Grifalco was born, one of the Aglianico versions of the Venosa winery, which has decided since its foundation to dedicate itself exclusively to this ancient vine.
Producer Andrea Piccin talks to Angela Fronti (Vignaiola in Toscana).
Aglianico del Vulture Superiore DOCG “Damaschito” 2015/16/17/18/19
During the event, a complete pavilion was reserved for the food sector, while the central gallery housed the partners and sponsors of the Wine Market, together with the institutional stand of the FIVI. Here, visitors had the opportunity to purchase the famous t-shirts and other gadgets signed by the Vignaioli Indipendenti.
The Italian Federation of Independent Winegrowers: The Heart of the Protection of Artisanal Producers
In the vast panorama of artisanal wines, one often runs the risk of getting lost in the precise identification of producers who fall into this category. How to classify them? How to preserve them?
The answer to this challenge has been developed by the Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti (FIVI), a non-profit organisation founded in 2008 with the primary objective of representing and protecting wine producers in their relations with institutions. Since then, the organisation has seen steady growth, both in the number of members – now over 1,000 – and in the trust that its brand has instilled in consumers eager for an informed approach to the world of wine.
The Origin and Evolution of FIVI
It all began in 2006, when the new text for the Common Market Organisation (CMO) for wine in Europe was issued. This document, regulating the wine sector, presented a gap in the protection of independent winegrowers. In 2008, the Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti (Italian Federation of Independent Winegrowers) was officially born with its constituent assembly, chaired by Costantino Charrère, a producer from Valle d’Aosta.
From the beginning, FIVI joined the European Confederation of Independent Winegrowers (CEVI), the grouping of national organisations of European winegrowers. The reasons behind its birth lie in the disinterest of the institutions and sectoral lobbies towards artisanal producers, which over the years have seen a diminishing focus on the quality of raw materials.
FIVI: The Voice of Independent Winegrowers in the Wine World.
Origins and Mission
The origin of FIVI dates back to 2006, when the Common Market Organisation (CMO) for wine in Europe was redefined. This new regulatory framework lacked a focus on the protection of independent winemakers, prompting the official birth of the Federation in 2008. Since then, the association has welcomed over 1,000 members, upholding the philosophy of wine production linked to terroir and sustainability.
Objectives and Role
FIVI is committed to promoting the figure of the independent winegrower, emphasising the importance of production linked to the territory of origin of the grapes. The association does not limit its membership to the production of natural or organic wines, but rather emphasises the independence and direct management of the production and commercial process by the winemaker.
Requirements and Success
Membership of FIVI requires adherence to the fundamental principles of independent production, where the producer is the custodian of his own land, grapes and final product. The organisation has grown steadily over the years, representing a growing movement that seeks the protection and valorisation of artisanal wineries.
Events and Initiatives
One of FIVI’s key initiatives is the Independent Winegrowers’ Wine Market, an event that offers the chance to discover, taste and buy directly from its member producers. The most recent edition attracted over 20,000 people, confirming the event’s crucial role as a meeting point for wine enthusiasts and experts.
Future and Role in the Wine Panorama
The FIVI confirms itself as an authoritative voice in the defence of artisanal production, aiming to raise awareness towards a conscious and responsible consumption of wine, promoting the values of the territory and the independence of producers. With an eye to the future, the organisation continues to expand its network, involving more and more producers and enthusiasts in the world of Italian artisanal wine.
Carol Agostini fondatore del Magazine Papillae, titolare Agenzia FoodandWineAngels, commissario internazionale, selezionatore, Food&Wine Writer